Saturday, October 11, 2014

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Is it Worth it?

Every year around November gamers get a new Call of Duty. I enjoy the series and I do love the multi player experience. Now has the series run its course? is this every year release schedule going to turn this into the next Guitar Hero? Only time will tell.

This is entirely based of my opinion. Information in this post is legitimate and links to that information will be posted below. Bring on the haters.

In the year 2005 a game was brought to us that took the gaming world by storm. That game was Guitar Hero. At the time of the release I was working at Gamestop and I have no clue to what this game was when we got our first shipment. After months of waiting someone traded it in and I picked up the game. I instantly fell for the game, It made party's just a little more fun. Jumping ahead a few years after multiple and multiple versions the game was finally put on hiatus in 2011. Making a game a year really hurt that series, I'm not saying an over saturation of Guitar Hero was the whole cause but it really was one of the bigger reasons. 

Now we have Call of Duty. One of the most successful series in the history of video games. Three companies are making a game a year on this development cycle. Recently a little information came out that this new game Advanced Warfare is 50% behind the pre-orders of Ghosts at this time. It is also noted that "The information comes from Doug Creutz, an analyst working for Cowen and Company, who is quoted by VentureBeat as saying that the placed pre-orders are also 80% lower than those for Black Ops 2, which might be one sign that the series is on a permanent downward slope when it comes to sales. -Softpedia " 

What does this mean for the actual gamer? Not a damn thing. If people want to stop play a game they will. The one thing that killed Guitar Hero was the fact that we were in the middle of a recession and people really didn't have that kind of money to spend anymore. Sometimes in life people have to pick between games and rent, in this time the games just were not bought . Pre-ordering a game means nothing to most gamers, everyone usually waits until the last minute due to some kind of money issue or current game( Destiny). 

So my whole plan to make you think I was going to completely bash the series worked. For me I can't wait to get some time in this new Call of Duty. It is a completely new developer and it adds Kevin Spacey in the mix. So below are some links to the main site that will give you the player more info on the upcoming game. Info on how the Xbox 360 and Ps3 versions can become upgraded to the Xbox One and Ps4 and so forth. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be released on November 4th or the 3rd depending on what version you buy. I hope to see some of you on the servers this winter!

Advanced Warfare

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