Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week of Playstation Plus- November 5th

It's the start of a new month and that means an awesome game is available for all Plus members. If you don't have Plus pay the small price to download Dragons Dogma:Dark Arisen.

The first game of November is also one of my wife's favorite games. The action packed giant monster fighting RPGs Dragons Dogma:Dark Arisen is this months first game. 

            An" epitaph speaks of another’s demise…A mysterious island known as Bitterblack Isle    appears off the coast of Gransys. Its depths have claimed the lives of many Arisen their voices still haunt the labyrinth that lies deep beneath its surface–a labyrinth ripe with secrets waiting to be discovered. The time to take up arms has come once again. Delve into the isle’s depths and uncover its dark secret!"

This is the original Dragons Dogma as well as the expanded Bitterblack isle area; called Dark Arisen.

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