Friday, November 1, 2013

Terror in Booville- My Animal Crossing Halloween Adventure Part 1

This is a multi day adventure as I try to collect all of the Halloween furniture and masks. so enjoy Part 1 and more will be coming as I continue to play more Animal Crossing.


10 am  
I will be truth full; I have neglected my Animal Crossing town. Yet today all that will change because its Halloween in Booville ( named after those ghosts in those Mario games). I want.. No I NEED the new set of Spooky furniture that is only available one day a year. I'm fully prepared  to scare and cause as much panic in my town as possible to get what I want. The residents of Booville will cower at my sight today....

3 pm

As I start my 3DS I notice a strange glowing light coming from it... The flickering light is telling me that I have yet to charge my system... Damn you David.. The system shuts down on the loading screen before I can start my reign of terror. The charger is miles from my current location.. Well the only way to save Halloween is to get that charger and wait...

Don't worry.. you will rise again

3:15 pm

Problem is solved... Charger is plugged in and the system is charging...soon it will be time to collect that precious candy

4:00 pm

Renovating a house is taking more time then I thought... Thankfully I found out that Halloween doesn't start until after 6pm.... So I shall continue to remove this old flooring...

Removing with FIRE... and scrapping whats left


After being distracted from the past three hours I finally can rest easy and cause the terror... The only problem is as I sit at the local VFW bar with my wife and friends I realize I have FORGOTTEN my 3DS... It looks as if this year will just not happen...

These will make you forget... yes they will

8:30 pm

Two pieces collected... its just a start.
I did make it in time... But I'm to tired to continue and I only have two pieces of furniture... It looks like this adventure will have to continue and I'm going to have to break my GOLDEN RULE--- No Time Travel----

Tomorrow will be a better day... I just want that DAMN furniture so badly.

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