Monday, February 9, 2015

Updating my Review Policy

The reviews in my blog have not been that structured. I have generally been trying to give most games a favorable review. I used to feel that all games should be played time has gone on I habe learned that not all games should be played. It left me feeling like I haven't reached my original goal of saving gamers money. I will now forever changing how I "Grade" my reviews.

The one thing I hate about reviews is the number/symbols systems. I do not want to read about how a game is a 4 out of 10 to one person when to me it's an 8. I just want to know if I'm going to spend the $60+ on buying the game or will I just rent the damn thing. From now on I'm throwing the verdicts into 4 categories.

Four Ways to Review a Game

Buy - the game is everything you wanted; minus a few small problems.Spend your money on that game.

Rent/Borrow - This game may need you to try it before you buy it

Avoid for the Moment - The game may have launched broken (AC Unity) or it just seems like to much money for so little (Thief). So come back to it in a few months.

Ignore - This game is bad... So bad it needs to be re buried with E.T.

My hope is to help save someone the lost hours and money on some shitty game that's all flash and no substance. This is just for my reviews, I believe the Burney Gamer Blog should let people review games how ever they really feel. So I will not require anyone that writes for the blog to follow those 4 categories. Follow me on Twitter and all the other social media outlets. The links are provided on our social media tab!

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