Monday, December 30, 2013

Friday Night Videos 2013 Final Part 1- My Top 5 Games of 2014

This is the top five games that I am excited to play this new year... Some are in the first few months and then the rest are spread out through the year.. Why just five games? These are five games that I know I will be buying in the year of 2014... The rest I will find a way to play..So enjoy the first part now and at the end of the week come back for part two.. A look at some of the best games from 2013..

5. Hearthstone - 2nd Quarter 2014

This is the one card game I'm excited to play next year... Coming to the IPad in the second Quarter of 2014 hopefully- Its Blizzard.... This could be on my list for 2015...

4.Yoshi's New Island

Who doesn't love a new Yoshi? Since Super Mario World he has been one of the most underused characters to me... I'm excited to see what the StreetPass features are going to be..

3. Tales from the Borderlands

An Episodic game made by The Walking Dead people based on Borderlands property!!! That is just the easiest YES PLEASE that anyone can say..

2. Elder Scrolls Online

The name says it all... That and my wife is obssesed with the series and I wouldn't live past the launch day if I didn't get this game.. Its not all roses when your wife plays games!

1. Dark Souls 2

I was no the biggest fan on the first game when it came out... But after watching my wife play it for weeks I completely regret not playing from day one... That is one mistake I will not be making... The only thing is will I be spending $120 on the special ed or not...

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