Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nintendo's Financial Results - My Rant

The Wii U is still going to be made and no Mario is not coming to smart phones... Well kinda not..

So today Nintendo released their third quarter results, and the meeting that followed seemed at the start to be down right bullshit. Now don't get me wrong when I saw I'm a fan of Nintendo, but I really think for the good of the company and the brand they need to change  from being so stubborn to opening their doors a little more. 

This picture was taken from the meeting notes, now read that carefully. When the Wii U was announced I knew that it was just an upgraded version of the Wii. But after seeing the games and how the system functioned I felt a little differently about it; maybe a little defensive. Those first three lines should not be on this. This system should of started with those features. Why in the hell would a company make a system that does not take advantage of its selling point, in this case its the GamePad. The NFC Function and the quick start menu should have been incorporated within the first 6 months of the systems release. The pure fact that they are just now being used is ridiculous.

When the Wii launched and it became the crazy popular console other two companies took notice. Now Microsoft has been pretty amazing at keeping consumers connected with its consoles and Sony has started  doing that a little later in the PS3's life. The one thing I do not understand is why was Nintendo being so stubborn that they couldn't see this. Sony and Microsoft do not release all their games on different Phones and Tablets that they compete against. They had already been using phones to get to the customers years before Nintendo finally realized that they needed to step up.

As I continued to read though this report I did find some things that made me feel a little better. Nintendo plans on changing the system again, "If we succeed in the redefinition of video game platforms that I speak of today, our account-based connections with consumers will become very clear. For example, until now it has been taken for granted that software is offered to users at the same price regardless of how many titles they purchase in a year, be it one, five or even ten titles. Based on our account system, if we can offer flexible price points to consumers who meet certain conditions, we can create a situation where these consumers can enjoy our software at cheaper price points when they purchase more. Here, we do not need to limit the condition to the number of software titles they purchase. " By meeting certain conditions.. Hmm it seems that maybe it will pay off to be that hardcore Mario fan after all. Though It doesn't seem the future of retail chains like Gamestop will have a place in the future, with all the new systems and easy to use digital stores.( I just felt like adding that in.. Because I can). 

Now to address the  whole notion that they are going to bring Mario to smart phones, as Satoru Iwata stated -"However, if you report that we will release Mario on smart devices, it would be a completely misleading statement." What Nintendo plans on doing is using smart phones to bring the customers to them. Either by making fun apps that show off certain features or simple games. So please stop saying that Super Mario Bros. 3 is coming to an Iphone.. It is not. But one thing Nintendo is doing is letting other companies make games using their characters; Like the new Link Dynasty Warriors game currently called Hyrule Warriors made by Tecmo Koei. 

Now I really couldn't find any thing that made me want to complain. Actually the rest of the report was very informative on how Nintendo will change and cope with the future. It was able to put me at ease, at little. So please click this link and read the whole thing. The one thing that Nintendo does great is change the way Video Games are played, so lets hope that they can continue this trend. Now I almost forgot to mention that Mario Kart 8 will be out in May( Date Pending) I know it started out with frustration; I needed to finish the post with some hope and happiness for the future of Nintendo.

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