Today was the day we finally were able to see how countless hours of our life will be used up. When you check a profile on 360 or Ps3 and your looking to see how people played Call of Duty; you going to notice one thing. Most only play online. So with that enjoy the new modes and trailer.
Infantry Ward has given us some new info on its upcoming Call of Duty. A new app will allow players to take control of their squads, edit loadouts, set up match's, share match results over Twitter and Facebook. Players will be able to make clans using the app as well. Its release is set for November along with Call of Duty: Ghosts. One more awesome side note is if a player buys a current gen version and then in a few years buy a newer system, all stats will be transferred over the new system.
Some of the new multiplayer modes included Cranked- The more kills you get the faster you become, but beware the countdown clock... if it gets to zero you explode. Search and Rescue- Set up like Search and Destroy except if your ally picks up your dog tags you are revived.. if the enemy picks it up your out for the round. Now enjoy some videos from today's reveal and more info on the new Squads Mode.
Squad Mode- Players can set up squads online to bring into single player,co-op, or competitive multiplayer.
- Squad vs Squad- Like Team Deathmatch, two squads face off to a bitter end.
- Squad Assault-Play against other squads online or offline. Up to six squads can be fought against and offline is determined by the loadouts and the maps being used.(Best idea ever)
- Wargame- You and a squad of five others vs. another squad.
- Safeguard- Survive wave after wave in Co-op
Thanks to for helping make this reveal happen today.
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